In our continued effort to whet appetites for the 2011 WV Writers Summer Conference, this week's podcast features an interview with author, conference presenter and banquet keynote speaker, Meredith Sue Willis.
Meredith Sue was born and raised in Shinnston, West Virginia. She has degrees from Barnard College and Columbia University, and her fiction has been published by Scribners', HarperCollins, West Virginia University Press, Ohio University Press, and others. Her novels include A Space Apart, Oradell at Sea, Higher Ground, Only Great Changes, and Tresspassers. Her short story collections include Dwight’s House and other Stories, In the Mountains of America, and her latest, Out of the Mountains. Meredith Sue is also devoted to writing about the craft of writing. She’s written nonfiction titles such as Blazing Pencils, Personal Fiction Writing, Deep Revision, and her latest, Ten Strategies to Write Your Novel.
A former winner of WVW's Just Uncommonly Good Award, Meredith Sue will be leading two workshops at the 2011 Summer Conference, June 10, 11 and 12 at Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV.
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West Virginia Writers Podcast: Episode 56