The 2011 WV Writers Summer Conference is coming up June 10, 11 and 12 at the Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV. While registration for the conference has been open since March 7, we've only revealed a preview of the presenters for it on our website. ConferenceCast 2011 helps fill in the blanks for the upcoming conference. Joining us to help fill the blanks is our Conference Coordinator and organizational president, Cat Pleska.
The current list of workshop presenters and their workshop descriptions will be available at our website on Monday 3/28.
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West Virginia Writers Podcast: Episode 50
- Our CONFERENCE registration page
- Cat Pleska Interview from Episode 4
- Cat's interview with Lee Maynard from Episodes 21 and 22
- Future Conference Presenter Barbara Smith from Episode 16
- Edwina Pendarvis's appearance on Podcast Episode 39
- Meredith Sue Willis's website
- Boyd Carr's interview from Episode 7
- Susanna "Granny Sue" Holstein from Episode 15
- Stonewood Kid Challenge
- Doug and Telisha Williams website
- Doug and Telisha Williams on YouTube
- Memories of Conferences Past Podcasts