We speak to her about her origins in the art of storytelling, the fluidity of the art form, the skills required to do it correctly and, of course, we'll hear one of her more famous stories.
You can see Granny Sue for yourself at: the WV Book Festival (October 10-11); at the Patchwork Storytelling Festival in Beckley (October 23-24); at Tygart Lake State Park in Grafton for a program called Scary Stories after Dark (October 24); in Athens, Alabama, at the Storytelling Festival Ghost Stories Concert as a featured teller (October 30); and at Tellabration! WVU Mountaineer Week, Morgantown, WV, (November 14).
And be sure to stick around for the end credits for a special announcement concerning bonus features of this podcast that are in the works and which will debut as soon as next Friday. Plus we'll offer a preview of the next two weeks of podcasts.
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West Virginia Writers Podcast Episode 15
Links mentioned in Podcast:
Granny Sue's News & Reviews
Storyteller Granny Sue: Stories from the Mountains and Beyond
Two Lane Livin' Magazine
WV Storytelling Guild
The Storytell Listserv
Margaret Read McDonald's Storyteller links page
Yay! Granny Sue is the best!