This week we present a special double-sized podcast episode in tribute to WV Writers founder Shirley Young Campbell, who passed away August 17, 2009. For this special episode, we interview Kirk Judd, Barbara Smith and Dolly Withrow, each counted among the charter members of WV Writers and longtime friends of Mrs. Campbell.
We speak to them about Mrs. Campbell's many accomplishments in promoting the writing and writers of WV, her role as a catalyst in the creation of West Virginia Writers, Inc., her co-founding of Mountain State Press, her own writing and many publications, what she was like as a person, and her role as the "Literary Mother" of so many of the finest writers of our state and beyond.
Many thanks to Phyllis Wilson Moore for her tremendous help in the research for this podcast.
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West Virginia Writers Podcast Episode 16
Links mentioned in Podcast:
Shirley Young Campbell’s books in the World Catalog search
Literary Map of West Virginia
Dolly Withrow Columns at the Charleston Daily Mail
Allegheny Echoes
Barbara Smith
Phyllis Wilson Moore
Shirley Young Campbell ~ 8-19-09
i was a budding writer in her fold ~
when i got into My.th day/nights
i would send her my papers ~
at the wvw ink i would sit with her
& go over them ~ she said two things ~
a thousand years is not a very long time &
do you think if i had gone to the
university of virginia i could understand
your My.th ?
when i had my hernia Repaired she held
her second Hill & Valley party ~ i phoned
her & declined ~ she said that in her business
a hernia was not even considered a disability ~
i stayed home & sulked ~
she said she used to have a public speaking
voice but when i knew her it had cracked ~
Ed ~ her husband ~ gave me a walking stick
with a head carved on one end ~ i can see it
now in the cane &umbrella stand ~one day
i said to Shirley ~ i am being discovered ~
she Replied ~ you have already been discovered
I am very familiar with Shirley's work. I was in a stage production of "Flowers Grow in Coal
Many years later, I found out my supervisor, Anne Short, is Shirley's daughter.
I have a few copies of Hill and Valley from the day and am sad to learn "She" recently passed away.